Good Afternoon, Jackie, Jody, Meredith, and Rick,
I just wanted to say Thank You, as well as to your entire team for another wonderful experience at Anderson’s. While the VERY High Waters and late, unseasonably cool temperatures challenged us in our fishing efforts I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
Cory and Joe did a very good job, considering their time on this vast body of water and the challenging circumstances we encountered. I hope and trust our interface with them provides some additional knowledge and insight into even greater positive ‘customer experiences’ going forward. They are great Stewards of the environment, tremendous representatives of your organization, and really have their hearts and souls into this unbelievable space and their roles, their responsibilities, and all the opportunities that are before them.
They were always courteous, helpful with our requests, and diligent to ensuring that we were safe, responsible to the environment, and sensitive to our needs and abilities. Additional experience on this, sometimes albeit challenging environment, will help them to even greater success in their professional paths.
As a ‘more senior’, in years visitor, to this wonderful place, I am realizing more now than ever, just how special these events are, being able to see the ‘next generation’ of youth, following us ‘old timers’ with a fervor, sparkle in their eyes, and zeal to appreciate and accomplish all, and even more, than we have ever dreamed.
The ability to transfer and enable the next generation to be able to witness and engage the Beauty of Nature, the Responsibility of Stewardship, and just the ‘Sheer Pleasure of the Moment’ are just some of the things that make this place and your team’s efforts and accomplishment so very special, even in the face of some very daunting challenges currently in place.
I also want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to our esteemed group, Glenn, Tom, Dick and especially Nick, the young, but NOT inexperienced ‘first timer’ who showed some of us ‘old guys’ how to really enjoy yourself in this beautiful place, many times ‘out fishing’ us older, ‘more experienced’, fishermen, and having a real blast doing it.
It’s so good to be back and Thank You and your entire team, those we all see and know, and those who are in the background supporting the daily requirements that make the experience so enjoyable and memorable.
I am in appreciation for all you do.
Kindest Regards,