Dan Marsh
Thank you once again for a wonderful stay at your lodge. I have been coming here for six years and this year decided to bring 8 family members. A few have been to Canada several times and the rest have not, but we all agreed it was one of the best trips we have ever had. We caught 7 walleyes over 25” with 2 masters, along with some large northern pike and a 54 ¾” musky. The food was incredible; the rooms were luxurious and as always nothing better than fresh walleyes for lunch. Your service and hospitality are much appreciated and second to none. Patrick Keating, once again, was a tremendous guide, he worked very hard, has a great personality and cares deeply about your success. In the last 3 years with Pat I have caught two 50 plus inch muskies along with dozens more walleyes and large pike. Can’t wait to see you next year. Take Care