How to Catch a Walleye in the Springtime

A man holds a large walleye fish that he's caughtIt’s finally spring and that can only mean one thing: it’s time to do some fishing. And if you’ve been looking to target Walleye, you’re in luck! Spring is one of the best times to target these elusive fish. As the ice melts and the water temperatures rise, Walleye become more active and aggressive, making them easier to catch. Here’s what you need to know about catching Walleye during the spring months:

Understanding Spring Walleye Behavior

Location, Location, Location

In the early spring, Walleye can often be found in deeper waters near their wintering areas, such as drop-offs, submerged structures, and channels. However, as the water temperatures rise, they migrate to shallower areas, including rocky shorelines, gravel flats, and weed beds, to spawn.

Feeding Frenzy

During the spring, Walleye are voracious feeders as they prepare for spawning. They are most active during low-light conditions, such as dawn, dusk, and overcast days. So, be sure to plan your fishing trips accordingly to maximize your chances of success.

Best Techniques for Spring Walleye Fishing


Jigging is a tried-and-true technique for catching Walleye in the spring. Grab your favorite jig head and tip it with a minnow or soft plastic bait. Then, bounce it along the bottom in areas where Walleye are likely to be holding.

Trolling Tactics

Trolling is another effective method for targeting spring Walleye, especially in deeper waters. Try using crankbaits or spinner rigs and troll them at varying speeds until you locate active fish. Keep an eye on your depth finder and adjust your trolling depth accordingly.

Tips for Success

Live Bait Bonanza

Walleye can’t resist the temptation of live bait. Minnows, leeches, and nightcrawlers are all excellent choices for enticing strikes.

Now that you’re armed with these tips for catching Walleye in spring, why not plan a fishing trip to Anderson’s Lodge in Ontario? With our experienced guides, comfortable accommodations, and access to some of the best Walleye fishing in the region, we provide an unforgettable fishing experience. Whether you’re a seasoned angler or new to the sport, Anderson’s Lodge has everything you need for a successful spring fishing adventure. Contact us today to learn more or to book your trip!